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DNP CRNA Personal Statement, Latina

Updated: Jan 15

DNP CRNA Personal Statement, Latina
DNP Personal Statement

XXXX College Nurse Anesthesia Program is my first choice among DNP programs for several reasons, including the location near my family and community support base. I appreciate the small class size of Nurse Anesthesia classes at XXXX College, the many clinical sites, and the advanced simulation lab. I also understand the spirit driving the free food pantry and career closet. Finally, I like that the first year is entirely online, with the didactic portion of the class shared with the XXXX Nurse Anesthesia program so that I will also get the chance to interact with and learn from other SRNAs.

A bilingual Latina from most humble beginnings, many excellent teachers have inspired me, and I have been blessed to have them. They encouraged me to apply myself to my studies, achieve a fulfilling career, and contribute to my community. It was difficult, coming from a poor urban area where very few attended, much less graduated from college. My family always told me I wouldn’t make it to college because no one else in our family had done so. With the demands of a full-time job, full-time course load, no support system, being a teenage mother, and financial responsibilities at home and in school – my grades suffered at first until my time management skills improved, and I learned how to balance my responsibilities.

DNP CRNA Personal Statement, Latina
CRNA Personal Statement Examples

Despite the disadvantages that I had to overcome, I graduated with honors from nursing school, and I now have more than eight years of experience as a nurse, the last three in critical care. I have obtained specialty certifications in Critical Care and Cardiac Medicine and taken a graduate-level course in preparation for applying to return to Nursing School and completing a DNP program. I shadowed a Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist for eight hours to get a more in-depth look at the role of a nurse anesthetist. I witnessed the professionalism of the nurse anesthetist and how they were highly respected. I was also intrigued by the many skills and the ability to provide safe, holistic, autonomous care. My shadowing experience solidified my decision to pursue a career in Nurse Anesthesia. I have also attended nurse anesthesia professional conferences, including The Diversity CRNA Information Session and Lab Simulation in Fort Worth, Texas, and a Diversity CRNA virtual boot camp.

DNP CRNA Personal Statement, Latina
CRNA Personal Statement Examples

I am experienced in intubating, anesthesia equipment checking and operation, and the insertion of central lines. I crave a total immersion experience in this area of nursing, including enhanced recovery after surgery (ERAS) and opioid-free and sparing approaches to anesthesia with the hopes of improving outcomes in high-risk populations. I look forward to going abroad on medical missions to support surgeons, particularly in the wake of a disaster in a Spanish-speaking part of the world.

Thank you for considering my application to Nurse Anesthesia at XXXX.


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