The University of XXXX’s Nurse Anesthesia Program is my first choice because it is as rigorous as it is comprehensive. Thus, I could not be more convinced that I am the best fit for Nurse Anesthesia at XXXX.
Entirely dedicated to lifelong learning and evidence-based practice in Nurse Anesthesia, I hope to also contribute my time and energy at some point to the advancement of research, always working to inspire myself and others to never become stagnant in our practice. By earning the DNP, I will be better poised to contribute to progressive developments in policy that align with the call of the American Association of Nurse Anesthetists for its members to seek to rival our physician counterparts in contribution to research and developments in our field.
I hope to become part of the reputation for excellence of the University of XXXX, giving back later as an alum. I volunteer as an AACN Ambassador, encouraging my colleagues and those who aspire to leadership roles to advance patient safety and promote evidence-based practice. I will always strive to develop innovative approaches integrating research, theory, and experience.
My wife, from Brazil, will finish her Ph.D. in Chemical Engineering this coming December. She could not be more supportive of my giving my all 24/7 to Nurse Anesthesia, and together we have worked hard to save the tuition cost in advance. As Christians, we think about how earning my DNP in this area will enable me to help protect and preserve lives on mission trips
to places where our care can save many lives.
I seek to honor life and alleviate pain. I feel strongly that I could not have a better model to follow than Jesus. Thank you.