by Dr. Robert Edinger
Helping Nurses Since 1995
Nursing Personal Statement of Purpose
Standard Statement Service
Premium Statement Service
Letter of Recommendation
CV/Resume Editing
Half Off the Price of Premium Service for the Nursing Personal Statement, US$149.00 through March 31 First Part Complimentary at no Charge or Obligation!
Dr. Robert Foster Edinger
I have spent many years investigating what makes a Statement for admission to nursing school as effective as possible, what programs and institutions in the area of nursing are looking for in applicants: specific qualities, interests, and characteristics--all of which I will emphasize in your essay. Character is especially critical and I am an expert at making you look exceptional. It is all in the wording and I like to think I have a natural gift for statement expression. My own special strength is in the emotional eloquence of nursing. I admit that on a few occasions, tears well up in my eyes while writing a statement for nursing school; it is a most enriching experience, and I count myself most privileged.
I finished my PHD in Religion and Social Ethics at the University of Southern California in Los Angeles in May of 1995 (See my doctoral dissertation online at USC). Since that time, I have dedicated most of my life to helping others to have the opportunity of a higher education, or to be selected for a fellowship, scholarship, internship, or residency opportunity. An eloquent statement can often make the difference. Nurses make up nearly half of my clients, since I have gravitated intentionally in this direction for some time. I especially enjoy working on behalf of nurses because they are generally good people who truly want to contribute to their communities.
See my Doctoral Dissertation at the University of Southern California (1995): Gender, Violence, and Empire in Central America!
Over half of my clients are people for whom English is a second language. Almost all are multilingual and many have extensive experience from outside the United States. Almost all are applying to programs of higher education in America, Canada, England or Australia. I am convinced that one’s ethnicity, language skills, and multicultural experiences need to be woven together in a most eloquent fashion in your Personal Statement, Statement of Purpose, or Letter of Intent/motivation, as interconnected themes that radiate throughout your admission essay. Your ethnic/racial and cultural backgrounds and international aptitudes are your greatest assets as an applicant, and they need to be carefully related to both your short and long term goals. I do everything that I can to make your statement as effective as possible. If you are able to afford my Gold Service, after a careful review of your material, I often ask you specific questions born from my many years of experience writing statements for admission to nursing school. I am a seasoned expert concerning what is important to include, and what is not. I have also had a great deal of practice at condensing a lot of material into a very limited space limitation. (I like to think of it as brain surgery).
I leave you with pictures of me with the princpal light of my life, my only child, David Dylan Edinger (soon to turn 12 years old).