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Arab, Middle Eastern Applicants Personal Purpose Statements in Nursing Examples, Professional Writing and Editing

Arab, Middle Eastern Applicants to Nursing School, Personal Statement, Bachelor's BSN, BS, MSN, MN, Master's, DNP, PHD Doctorate, Certificate Program

Statement of Purpose Writing and Editing, Letters of Recommendation, Free Professional, Anonymous Samples

Arab, Middle Eastern Applicants to Nursing School, Personal Statement, Bachelor's BSN, BS, MSN, MN, Master's

Personal Statement Sample 1st Paragraph, Saudi Nurse


A nurse from Saudi Arabia, I have spent most of 2016 in Canada engaged in a full immersion in English, bringing my conversation skills up to a fluent, advanced level, and learning everything that I can about community health. The School of Population and Public Health at the University of XXXX is my first choice for a variety of reasons, from your location in Vancouver to the innovative character of your curriculum with a focus on community, as well as the vast resources and opportunities for research and internships at UXX. I have a special interest in Public and Community Health in my country, Saudi Arabia, which I look forward to using as a case study for some of my investigations at UXX. I also want to learn everything that I can about creative initiatives and challenges in Community and Public Health in Canada, which I see as a role model for the KSA in terms of development of health care structures, human, material, and scientific.

Arab, Middle Eastern Applicants to Nursing School, Personal Statement, Bachelor's BSN, BS, MSN, MN, Master's
Arab, Middle Eastern Applicants to Nursing School, Personal Statement, Bachelor's BSN, BS, MSN, MN, Master's
Arab, Middle Eastern Applicants to Nursing School, Personal Statement, Bachelor's BSN, BS, MSN, MN, Master's
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